
B2B e-Invoicing in Germany
Germany is implementing the Wachstumschancengesetz law for business growth, tax equity, and streamlined tax procedures. The B2B e-invoicing initiative was initially scheduled for full
Romania eFactura System’s
In 2020, Romania implemented the e-Invoice system within the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the National Financial Management Agency in accordance with Emergency Regulation
Romania e-Invoicing Period
In 2020, Romania’s e-Invoice system was introduced by the MoF and the National Financial Administration Agency. Then, the Romanian government published the Emergency Ordinance
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We offer SAP and Peppol certified solutions (SAF-T, Invoice Reporting, VAT Reporting and e-Invoicing) to more than 500 clients – thereof 70% multinational. Together with our >100 employees, operating across multiple locations in Europe, we aim to be a single partner globally for our clients.
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