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Poland B2B e-Invoicing

Poland B2B e-invoicing (called e-faktura or faktura ustrukturyzowana)

After the recent VAT declaration with registers “JPK-V7M / VDEK”, the Polish government announced B2B e-invoicing via a central governmental platform from January 2023: The national e-invoicing system “KSeF”.  Newly introduced e-invoicing clearance system is similar to Italy’s SDI. In addition to the e-invoice, the logical structure   has also been published at the end of 2021 on the government website.

Is Poland B2B e-Invoicing Mandatory in 2023?

Poland implements electronic invoices between businesses gradually. The integration process started with the launch of the test system. It is available from October 2021 for companies that would like to volunteer to participate in testing the new CTC system.  From January 2022, some of the taxpayers can submit electronic invoices on a voluntary basis via the KSeF portal. With the latest update, B2B e-Invoicing mandate is announced. According to the announcement, KSeF, the mandatory e-invoice system in Poland, will be effective from February 1, 2026 for businesses with a sales value exceeding PLN 200 million and for all businesses it will be effective as of April 1, 2026.

Test Phase October 2021
Voluntary Phase January 2022
Mandatory Phase February 2026 (for large taxpayers)

April 2026 (for all taxpayers)


Who is under Obligation for Poland e-Invoicing 2023?

B2B e-Invoicing is mandatory for all taxpayers which must be VAT registered in Poland including inter-community and cross border transactions.

What are the benefits of the Poland e-Invoice?

The Polish government encourages taxpayers to integrate with the e-invoicing system before the obligation starts with some advantages;

– Taxpayers receive a VAT refund by 1/3 faster, the refund period will be reduced for them by 20 days, from 60 to 40.

– The Ministry of Finance’s database will keep the invoices and avoid damaging or losing possibilities.

– The taxpayer will not have to issue and send the structure of the Uniform Control File for Invoices (JPK_FA) to the tax authority’s request.

How to submit Polish e-invoices?

E-invoices are issued, received, stored, and validated in ax authority’s portal called Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF).SNI e-invoicing solution issues electronic invoices in the required format within the taxpayer in local or cloud-based financial and accounting systems however final issuing and validating is done in KSeF. E- invoices are submitted to the tax authority via the portal (KSeF) in XML format (FA_VAT). KSeF platform stores 10 years and can be downloaded in XML or PDF format. A digital signature is mandatory for both signing the electronic invoice and using it as an authorization of the  KSeF system.

How can SNI help you?

SNI Add-on solution has its own customization tables including the required information by KSeF. By mapping these customization tables, the solution allows you to process & create e-invoices in the desired format of XML and collects them in the user-friendly cockpit. After the e-invoice generation, SNI add-on solution helps you to sign and send the e-invoices to KSeF portal. 

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