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Five key questions about e-Invoicing in Romania

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has already introduced a lot of electronic tax regulations in Romania, starting with SAF-T (Informative Declaration D406 in particular), and now a new e-Invoicing system (e-Factura) and e-Transport system. The first of these new systems, the SAF-T reporting, was implemented for large taxpayers in January 2022, while e-Invoice and e-Transport are expected to become mandatory later in 2022. You can find the timeline and other details for the e-Invoice below.

You can find latest developments about the process on Five key questions about e-invoicing in Romania | New Edition.


1.  If e-Invoicing becomes mandatory will we use SAF-T Reporting too?

Yes, SAF-T Romania is a different report from e-Factura and has no effect on timelines, taxpayer obligations, content, or technical details.


2. What is the date that e-Invoicing will become mandatory?

Implementation of the Romania e-Invoice is planned to be completed in two phases.

Issuing and transmitting invoices to the national electronic invoicing system between April 1 and June 30, 2022 is voluntary.

The obligation to generate and send e-Invoices to the system will start on July 1, 2022.

Taxpayers must issue and transmit the e-Invoice in XML format to the RO e-Invoice system, in which validation, structure, syntax, and semantic checks are done automatically and must  be archived for 10 years.


3. What are high fiscal risk products?

ANAF announced the high fiscal risk products list with the new RO e-Invoicing system. This list is expected to be extended over time. High fiscal products include:

  1. Vegetables and  plants,  roots  and  tubers,  foodstuffs  falling  within  CN  codes  0701  to  0714  
  2. Edible  fruits;  peel  of  citrus  fruits  or  melons  falling  within  CN  codes  0801  to  0814 
  3. Beverages,  alcoholic  beverages,  and  vinegar  falling  within  CN  codes  2201  to  2208  
  4. Salt,  sulfur,  earth  and  stones,  plaster,  and lime  and  cement  falling  within  CN  codes  2505  and  2517
  5. Knitted  or  crocheted  garments  and  clothing  accessories  falling  within  CN  codes  6101  to  6117 
  6. Clothing  and  clothing  accessories,  other  than  knitted  or  crocheted,  falling  within  CN  codes  6201  to  6212  and  CN  codes  6214  to  6217  
  7. Footwear,  gaiters,  and  the  like;  parts  of  these  articles  falling  within  CN  codes  6401  to  6405  


4. What are the main ways of generating, transmitting, and receiving electronic invoices according to the new regulation?

Tax authorities propose two different methods for submission. The first e-Invoices can be submitted from the taxpayer’s ERP system to tax the authority directly via shared APIs. The second method involves sending to third-party companies and service providers. In both cases, using SPV (private virtual space) is mandatory and registered to the portal with a digital certificate. e-Invoices must be generated in XML format.


5. Is an electronic signature requested before the transmission of the invoices?

No, the electronic document signed in the RO e-Invoice system by the Ministry of Finance digital signature after transmission. The MoF signature is connected with taxpayers’ digital certificates, which are used for registering SPV. Each taxpayer, as well as third parties and service providers, needs digital certificates.


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