Five Key Questions about SAF-T Reporting in Romania

SAF-T reporting will become mandatory in Romania in January 2022 for large taxpayers who are listed at the first list (2016), and in July 2022 for large taxpayers who are listed at the second list (2021). We have gathered the top-five critical questions from our clients and related webinar participants.

SAF-T Reporting in Romania

Following the decision of the Romanian tax authorities (ANAF), SAF-T reporting will become mandatory in Romania. The implementation processes will become mandatory in January 2022 for the large taxpayers who are under the list that was published 2016. For those companies, there is a grace period, which means they will start to submit their first report after six months.

During the preparation and selection process for the mandate, we received frequently asked questions from clients and webinar attendees regarding the new SAF-T Romania regulation. We have addressed them below.


  1. If reporting starts in July, has ANAF postponed the mandatory date to July?

No. The mandatory regulations will become effective in January 2022. However, the reporting starts in July. ANAF allows one grace period.


  1. How will communication with ANAF be facilitated?

For the time being, ANAF allows taxpayers to submit the SAF-T report manually. Taxpayers should submit their report directly through the ANAF Portal.


  1. What is the DUK Integrator used for?

The DUK integrator allows the validation, creation, and signing of the PDF. Taxpayers should use the DUK integrator before the submission to validate and create the PDF and sign the SAF-T report.


  1. What is the modal report?

If the file size is bigger than 500 MB, taxpayers should divide their reports in the sub-sections. Each sub-sections should include the header.

 Here are some examples of sub-sections:











  1. What are the report types?

There are three different reports to be submitted to ANAF.

  The standard SAF-T report (D406 SAF-T) is to be submitted monthly or quarterly, and is mandatory.

  Annual reporting of asset (D406 Asset) information is mandatory.

  Stock information (D406 Stock) must be reported for whatever period and time is decided by ANAF upon request (minimum 30 days).


For more information about the process and our relevant solutions, please contact us at


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