SNI Quality Policy

Our Information Security and Service Management Policy

As SNI TECHNOLOGY AS., in order to keep the information security and service management at the highest level in the fields in which we operate and in the IT field in which information can be obtained at any time, we commit;

  •  That information will be used only by people authorized to use it, that it will be safeguarded from unauthorized usage and that it will be noticed when it has been changed, and that it will be only possible to use it by authorized people when needed,
  • That we will find and implement technological solutions with our qualified staff and our strong substructure in order to provide and maintain information security, also service management, and that we will provide the information security of all of the physical and electronic information assets,
  • That we will not share any information with third parties that belong to the persons and companies to whom we sell products or services,
  • That we will form daily and updated security walls against the attacks of the persons with bad intentions who try to reach the information of such people or organizations in an unauthorized way,
  • That we will investigate, evaluate, measure, and report the activities that may endanger and risk the Information Security at certain periods,
  • That we will provide the information from the Public organizations and/or regulatory authorities to which we are responsible correctly, completely and in a timely manner,
  • That we will spend utmost efforts in order that the information that we will gather with the authority that we have received from the Public Organizations and/or regulatory authorities to which we are responsible are unconditionally correct,
  • That we will provide the integrity and correctness of the information about our company,
  • That we will never be the source of viruses and harmful software and we will take the necessary measures in order to prevent such activities,
  • That will conform to all rules that are legally specified with respect to information sec
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