Turkey e-Ledger



The e-Ledger application, which came into force with the notification published in December 2011 by the Turkish Revenue Administration (GIB) is the electronic transmission of the journal, journal certificate, general ledger book, general ledger certificate and trial balance report files to the TRA in an electronic environment with the data reliability, prepared in accordance with the format and standards determined by the Revenue Administration.


The SNI e-Ledger Solution works in full compliance with SAP and prepares all your financial data in the desired formats with the data read over FI records. The e-Ledger parts created are signed electronically and sent to GIB (Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı) as complete, and users can follow the submission processes through the cockpit.


What are the main features of the SNI e-Ledger Solution?


-It provides complete data transmission.

-It has user-based authorization objects.

-It ensures the automatic transfer of files approved by GİB to your SAP system.

-It allows you to download documents in formats such as Excel and PDF to your local device.

-It eliminates the obligation to print out and archive. Your documents are kept for the legal period. 

-Updates are thoroughly completed by our teams that are in constant contact with TRA.


For businesses that want to run their processes in an environment independent of ERP systems, SNI designs a project to be used with complete and easy interfaces through the SNI e-Ledger Portal, and the SNI e-Ledger Portal helps you ensure full compliance with regulation.

* All SNI solutions are SAP-certified.

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