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Romania e-Invoicing (e-Factura)

Romania’s new e-Invoice system was presented in 2020 by the Ministry of Finance and the National Financial Administration Agency. On 17 December of that year, the government of Romania published EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 130 and clarified details about the new e-invoice regime, including scopes and deadlines. While developing this project, Italy’s B2G (business-to-government) and B2B (business-to-business) e-Invoicing system was analyzed.

While planning to implement the RO e-Invoice system (named e-Factura) the SAF-T RO (standard audit file for tax) report obligation was started in January 2022.

New system will contain both the implementation of  the Business to Business (B2B) and the Business to Government (B2G) transactions. First, it will be integrated into the e-transfer system. The most important goal is to prevent tax fraud and smuggling.

As of January 2024 generating invoice in electronic format for B2B transactions is mandatory not only for the  suppliers of high-fiscal-risk products but also all types of products. B2G transactions have no product limitation.

How to submit RO e-Factura system?

Before submission taxpayers must have access to the RO e-Invoicing system. 

The national e-invoicing system is accessible through the Virtual Private Space (SPV) web page and through the shared API (application programming interface).

To use SPV, commercial entities must be registered under their own name or under the name of a designated legal representative.

After that, taxpayers can submit their e-invoices to the RO e-Invoice system and the same methods (API and SPV) can be used to upload them to the system. For the incoming invoices can be received via shared APIs automatically or can be download ed from SPV in 60 days.

What is the timeline of the new e-Invoicing system?

First implementation of e-Invoice started on April 1 and June 30, 2022 on a voluntary basis and obligation began on 1 July 2022, and suppliers will have to issue invoices in the RO e-Factura system for B2B transactions involving high-risk products. This obligation will be initiated regardless of whether the buyers are registered in the RO e-Invoice Registry. E-invoices must be generated in XML format.

After EU commission approval, the Romanian Ministry of Finance expanded the scope of obligation and covered all types of the products.

Released RO e-Factura timeline as follows;

  • Tofacilitate the adaptation of  responsible businesses, penalties will not be applied for non-compliance with the e-Invoice regulation between 1st of January to 31 of March.
  • As of January 2024 to June 31, 2024 a invoice reporting system model is proposed; issued invoices must be sent to the government platform at the latest fifth days of issuance.
  • As of July 2024 mandatory e-Invoice transmission will start through a public platform which is called SPV  and will serve as an example of a clearance model.
  • Both resident and non-resident businesses registered for VAT are within the scope of this requirement.

How can SNI help you?

SNI’s add-on solution is an end-to-end solution. That means data retrieving from SAP, data mapping, processing, and communication with tax authorities will be performed under a single SAP add-on. 

Through the SNI add-on solution for e-Invoicing in Romania, end users can easily create e-invoices and monitor the XML and human readable versions of the invoices through a user-friendly SNI e-invoice cockpit. After the e-invoice is created, end users can sign it. Before sending the invoices to ANAF, use the DUK integrator tool to verify the created e-invoice.

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