SAF-T Hungary

The National Tax and Customs Authority(NAV) introduced the Standard audit file for tax (SAF-T). Public consultation has been completed and SAF-T HU will be effective after the first half of 2022. Hungary will now join the list of countries that require issuing a SAF-T report in Europe, such as Austria, Norway, Poland, and France.

The main goal of the SAF-T reporting is first enterprises be able to extract certain information from their accounting, and billing systems and transfer it to a standardized format which is recommended by OECD. In addition, it will enable tax administrations and auditors to conduct internal and external audits more efficiently.

Hungary has another audit report called RFHUAUDIT however the newly introduced SAF-T is a separate and different report.


SAF-T HU consists of several parts: master data, transactional data, and reporting data.

  • Details of master data, i. e. general ledger(GEL), customers(CST), suppliers(SUP), products(PRD), assets(AST), other master data(OMD) and analysis table(ATB).
  • Details of transactional data, i. e. general ledger entries(GLH and GLL), sales invoice(SIH and SIL), purchase invoices(PIH and PIL), payments data(PYH and PYL), movements of goods(MGH and MGL), and asset transaction data(ATD).
  • Details of reporting data i. e. physical stock/inventory(PYS), VAT analytic data submission to NAV(VAT), customer outstanding invoices(COI), and supplier outstanding invoices(COS).


SAF-T HU will be submitted to the tax authority(NAV) portal in XML format. Transactional data sets can contain a lot of information coming from taxpayers’ ERP systems. The data sets can be split into multiple sub-section however there is one rule: each sub-section contains only one type of data.


What will change on the XML Version 3.0 update for mandatory 2021 RTIR e-Invoicing in Hungary?

Real-time invoice reporting(RTIR) has been effective since 2018 in addition to SAF-T. All taxpayers are under obligation and the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) was announced that XML version 3.0 valid after April 2021. With the updated version there are several new functionalities such as electronic invoicing support, reporting of large invoices, and public utility settlement invoice reporting.

The technical limitations of the report size are 10MB and for not exceeding the limit aggregated data reported created which is more compact than real data report.

In the archiving of electronic invoices, unclear issues became clear, such as adding hash codes and facilitating the tracking process.

In updated version 3.0 provides the seller the full data content to implement XML files and the implementation of e-Invoices containing the full data content increases the efficiency of the process.

The industry regulations changing utility service providers are obliged to generate a settlement invoice about their public utility services which may include previous partial invoice details.


SNI product

SNI solution has its own customization tables in order to map the relevant information of tax codes, GL accounts, document types and company information. Based on these customizations, SNI solution helps you to retrieve the data, map & process it and convert it into the XML file for meeting the government requirements. 

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