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Global e-Invoicing and Tax Reporting Platform
PANO enables automated communications from your ERP (SAP, ORACLE, Microsoft Dynamics, SAGE, abas, proAlpha, Infor, ICRM) with your worldwide vendors, clients and any tax authority. Explore our ERP independent country modules for e-Invoicing, e-Invoice Reporting, SAF-T and VAT Reporting.

Global Platform for
e-Invoicing & Tax Reporting

We help you stay compliant with our end-to-end ERP independent country modules.

Italy FatturaPa

Hungary RTIR

Spain SII

Egypt e-Invoicing

KSA e-Invoicing

Italy made e-invoicing required for B2B transactions. Since 2019, all invoices between enterprises registered in Italy must be exchanged via SdI, according to Italian regulations.
Invoices in Hungary must be reported electronically through a centralized system for businesses. Invoicing data is sent to the Hungarian NAV system electronically in XML format.
Spanish Tax Agency has implemented Immediate Supply of Information (SII) system for reporting VAT. It is based on the tax agency's (agencia tributaria or AEAT) system receiving all billing records digitally.
Egyptian government has accepted electronic invoices via the ETA (Egyptian Tax Authority) portal. Companies compelled to use the e-invoicing system is required to submit invoices and receipts electronically.
As of December 4, 2021, e-invoicing is mandatory in Saudi Arabia. The scope includes all tax invoices (B2B invoices), simplified tax invoices (B2C invoices), and debit/credit notes.

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